All the features of an intranet, none of the clutter and noise.
- Bring everyone together
- News
- Activity
- Help people get work done
- People
- Discussions
- Clarify information
- Library
- Links & Custom Views
- HTML pages
News: The go-to place for important updates
Publish relevant, targeted content
Eliminate clutter with targeted announcements. You can send out news to the right audience, including specific office locations, divisions, departments, or project teams.
Make sure important announcements are read
Sign-off option tracks who has read important information.
Get feedback with a poll
Need employee input on an important decision? Create an org-wide poll to get feedback from colleagues.
Share external web articles
City-wide updates? Competitor intel? You can share a web article directly from its source with just a few clicks.

“Jostle has played a vital role in improving communication across Pure. We now have a central go-to place for all staff to access at any time, even on the go.”
Katherine Bell, Pure Resourcing Solutions UK