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Replacing intranets
Intranets consistently end up stale, confusing places that make most employees go “ugh”. They often frustrate people to the point they refuse to use them.
“90% of intranets fail!”
Simpplr Research, 2020
Intranets have always struggled. And with today’s world of work, where change is happening faster, work is often remote and hybrid, and new information arrives faster than ever—intranets are simply overwhelmed.
Jostle’s taken a different approach
We’ve taken a close look at why intranets keep failing. That’s helped us craft a different way to keep employees connected and informed. A way that’s, well, more successful.
“Prior to Jostle, we had a SharePoint intranet. It was full of things that were not relevant. Not updated. Not current. It was very difficult for people to find what they wanted.”

Ian Teague
Head of IT at The Woodland Trust
Everything together in one simple place
Jostle’s employee success platform is designed from the ground up to help everyone plug into their organization and quickly find what they need. Instead of being a place to “put stuff”, Jostle’s platform is purpose designed to make things easy to find, easy to navigate, and easy to keep fresh.
Jostle’s desktop, mobile, and JostleTV apps all deliver the same simplicity and user experience, so everyone can stay connected, anywhere, anytime.
See our different approach.
Six ways intranets cause frustration
Rather than enabling employees, intranets just end up adding to the wall of frustration that blocks employees. Here's why...
1. Intranets are just internal websites
Intranet platforms are really just websites in disguise. You cannot create a great employee experience on a website.
Like websites, intranets are not a great place for two-way communication. And they’re static—your company evolves every day, soon leaving your intranet behind.
2. Sites reinforce silos
On intranets, each department, location, and project needs its own “site”, each of which becomes its own information silo. Instead of bringing teams together, intranets reinforce their isolation.
3. It’s hard to find what you need
Intranets disperse information across sites and pages. The result? Duplicated content and confusion as to where to put things and where to find them.
4. Things get cluttered
As more-and-more sites arrive, each filling with pages, your intranet quickly becomes a sprawling mess. Browsing to find something becomes impossible, particularly on your phone.
5. Intranets create a ton of noise
With an intranet, every time you publish something new, you need to promote it on the homepage and spam people in email. Otherwise, people are never going to visit that page. That’s work for you and more noise for your busy employees
6. Intranets suck when you’re on the go
You can’t navigate a sprawling website with complex navigation on your phone. Finding the right person to ask, or the current copy of a policy, becomes an exercise in frustration when you're away from your desk. Why bother?
Learn more about all 10 ways intranets clutter and break.
The life cycle of intranets
Time and time again, intranets start as a dream and end in frustration. Here’s how:
Starts out well
You take months to plan and build the perfect intranet and all seems well.
Time passes
But new content arrives daily, the world changes, and your business evolves.
It breaks
Soon you have hundreds of stale pages, complex menus, and a confusing mix of old and new.
No one goes there
Your intranet has become the source of employee frustration instead of the solution.
See how Jostle’s solved all this.
“Jostle is the hub where Emperor’s employees connect, engage and communicate. It’s a space where our unique culture and the personality of our people can shine through.”

Sarah Eklund
Marketing Manager at Emperor

Moving from frustration to success
Our approach is different. Jostle’s success platform isn’t a page-building tool. It’s a platform designed from the ground up to deliver employee success. Jostle’s approach is transformative:
Intranets add frustration:
- Reinforce silos.
- End up cluttered and disorganized.
- Add to workplace noise and overwhelm.
- No focus on recognition.
- Get frustrating to browse and search.
- Only works well at desks.
Jostle powers success:
- Brings everyone together in a single place.
- Keeps things clear, organized, and tidy.
- Reduces noise and helps people focus.
- Makes recognition & celebration easy.
- Gets people to what they need fast.
- Works on your phone and in your lunchroom.
Jostle designed its platform from the ground up to focus on what people need to feel successful at work.
The impact? Happier employees who want to stick around and contribute even more.